2016년 12월 31일 토요일

Review 2016 KOSPI stock market

2016. Indeed, many things happened in the year.

It was a year when I would not want this to happen again nationally.

In the stock market, large-cap stocks such as Samsung Bio Logics and Doosan Bobcat were listed

Indeed, large-cap stocks were better than small- and mid-cap stocks for a long time.

Let's look back on the KOSPI.

1. Change

The KOSPI started at the 1961 point and closed at the 2026 point.

About 3.3%.

it's a really rise a little. Maybe they are representing the economic situation of our country well.

The market cap increased 62 trillion to 1304 trillion from 1242 trillion at the end of last year.

However, the number of newly listed stocks increased to 17 trillion won, and the increase in market capitalization of existing stocks was only about 44 trillion won.

2. Contribution by category

It is meaningful to look back on what kinds of events contributed to each event.

We can prepare well for next year by looking at what kinds of stocks led the market this year and what kinds of stocks that brought down the market.

행 레이블 Symbol 합계 : 상승률 합계 : 기여도 합계 : 시총증가(백만)
삼성전자 A005930 34% 163% 72,391,472
SK하이닉스 A000660 45% 23% 10,155,633
POSCO A005490 55% 18% 7,934,002
KB금융 A105560 40% 11% 5,087,615
현대중공업 A009540 66% 10% 4,385,200
롯데케미칼 A011170 52% 10% 4,301,565
NAVER A035420 18% 9% 3,856,633
신한지주 A055550 14% 6% 2,702,937
우리은행 A000030 45% 6% 2,656,680
LG디스플레이 A034220 28% 6% 2,468,929
하나금융지주 A086790 32% 5% 2,264,424
현대모비스 A012330 7% 4% 1,703,518
현대건설 A000720 50% 4% 1,587,458
SK이노베이션 A096770 13% 3% 1,546,905
한국타이어 A161390 23% 3% 1,356,432
포스코대우 A047050 65% 3% 1,212,783
영진약품 A003520 314% 3% 1,188,277
삼성중공업 A010140 44% 2% 1,102,135
한국가스공사 A036460 31% 2% 1,070,831
삼성카드 A029780 29% 2% 1,025,351
효성 A004800 24% 2% 983,289
현대제철 A004020 14% 2% 940,793
금호석유 A011780 53% 2% 895,866
두산인프라코어 A042670 88% 2% 855,753
엔씨소프트 A036570 16% 2% 756,551
대림산업 A000210 30% 2% 719,560
두산중공업 A034020 32% 2% 700,645
SK텔레콤 A017670 4% 2% 686,338
대한유화 A006650 60% 2% 672,750
만도 A204320 42% 1% 648,008
S-Oil A010950 7% 1% 635,097
제일약품 A002620 110% 1% 627,412
LS A006260 47% 1% 610,190
SK가스 A018670 79% 1% 512,931
동국제강 A001230 92% 1% 505,852
삼성생명 A032830 2% 1% 500,000
GS건설 A006360 34% 1% 479,250
현대산업 A012630 16% 1% 463,613
LG유플러스 A032640 10% 1% 458,442
삼양사 A145990 71% 1% 456,068
한화테크윈 A012450 22% 1% 419,727
두산 A000150 18% 1% 398,076
풍산 A103140 47% 1% 362,914
SK네트웍스 A001740 26% 1% 354,716
동원산업 A006040 37% 1% 332,957
JW중외제약 A001060 47% 1% 322,987
GS A078930 7% 1% 317,340
한국타이어월드와이드 A000240 19% 1% 302,316
현대미포조선 A010620 29% 1% 302,000
KT A030200 4% 1% 300,278
현대로템 A064350 24% 1% 297,500
코오롱인더 A120110 18% 1% 295,342
현대시멘트 A006390 172% 1% 292,690
제이준 A025620 575% 1% 289,026
현대상선 A011200 30% 1% 279,809
금호타이어 A073240 26% 1% 276,488
휴켐스 A069260 42% 1% 261,623
동부제철 A016380 235% 1% 258,660
코웨이 A021240 4% 1% 258,204
대우조선해양 A042660 26% 1% 254,550
기업은행 A024110 3% 1% 240,167
한솔케미칼 A014680 34% 1% 239,458
세아제강 A003030 72% 1% 233,400
애경유화 A161000 131% 1% 228,766
부광약품 A003000 24% 1% 225,982
The stocks contributed more than 1% to the Kospi rise.

Samsung Electronics contributed overwhelmingly.

If Samsung Electronics were not contained , the KOSPI fell out.

In large measure, the industries that led the market this year

Semiconductor industry represented by Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix

Industries materials represented by POSCO, Lotte Chemical, Hyundai Steel, Hyosung

Banking industry represented by KB Financial Group, Shinhan Financial Group, and Woori Bank

Shipbuilding represented by Hyundai Heavy Industries and Samsung Heavy Industries

It was the Internet industry represented by NAVER.

There are many factors in the rise of SEC,

First strong shareholder return.

Treasury stock and cash dividends were very much.

In particular, treasury stocks have made tremendous strides in raising share prices in the face of reduced volume.

The second is the anticipation of equity spin-off during the transition to holding company.

If we divide the company into holding company and operating company, treasury shares will be resurrected, which should boost BPS by about 13%.

The third is expectations for the semiconductor industry next year.

DRAM prices have risen, NAND fronts industries continue to grow, and expectation for the semiconductor industry is very high next year.

I do not expect much from home appliances and smartphone business next year, but it was getting better in the semiconductor business.

But if you think about it, now I have a personal idea that the expectations are all reflected.

Is it possible that the share price will be maintained if the holding company is converted, the semiconductor market is good, and the shareholder return policy continues? If only one of them is out of order, would not stock prices fall? I have the idea.

Anyway, with this expectation, Hynix started to give strength from 2H.

The good banking business is due to expectations for a US interest rate hike.

Fed raised the interest rate in December, and expect to raise it 2-3 times next year.

However, expectations are reflected in the same way, and the feeling of uncertainty is less reflected.

The steel industry has risen thanks to China's steel industry restructuring.

Steel prices in the region have risen due to stronger coal demand in China and strong Chinese government restructuring efforts.

Hyundai Steel, which has a high portion of Hyundai Motor, failed to raise its prices more than expected, and its growth rate was less than POSCO.

Chemical companies such as Lotte Chemical and Hyosung also showed good results this year after last year.

Oil prices remained low this year, and NCC margins were solid.

Hyundai Heavy Industries and Samsung Heavy Industries rose during the restructuring, and fundamentals were not good.

NAVER has grown on the line-listing and ad market position.

So what are the stocks that contributed negatively to the KOSPI this year?

행 레이블 Symbol 합계 : 상승률 합계 : 기여도 합계 : 시총증가(백만)
삼성에스디에스 A018260 -45% -20% -8,859,758
아모레퍼시픽 A090430 -21% -13% -5,695,306
기아차 A000270 -25% -12% -5,411,601
LG화학 A051910 -21% -11% -4,988,251
한미약품 A128940 -58% -10% -4,408,835
한미사이언스 A008930 -53% -9% -3,957,912
한국전력 A015760 -12% -9% -3,819,686
오리온 A001800 -44% -7% -3,032,597
LG생활건강 A051900 -17% -7% -2,976,518
삼성물산 A028260 -10% -6% -2,779,963
CJ A001040 -26% -4% -1,983,948
오뚜기 A007310 -46% -4% -1,936,720
LG A003550 -15% -4% -1,889,803
삼성화재 A000810 -12% -4% -1,869,962
한전KPS A051600 -39% -4% -1,566,000
현대글로비스 A086280 -20% -3% -1,443,750
CJ CGV A079160 -44% -3% -1,176,569
호텔신라 A008770 -38% -3% -1,158,030
한세실업 A105630 -52% -2% -1,094,000
한국항공우주 A047810 -14% -2% -1,081,974
현대차 A005380 -3% -2% -1,077,322
현대위아 A011210 -35% -2% -1,060,608
아모레G A002790 -8% -2% -1,040,595
쿠쿠전자 A192400 -44% -2% -985,238
롯데칠성 A005300 -34% -2% -964,837
삼성전기 A009150 -19% -2% -924,869
SPC삼립 A005610 -39% -2% -923,304
현대그린푸드 A005440 -38% -2% -918,422
녹십자홀딩스 A005250 -42% -2% -860,382
삼성엔지니어링 A028050 -29% -2% -833,000
한진해운 A117930 -90% -2% -801,542
SK A034730 -5% -2% -782,172
삼성증권 A016360 -24% -2% -768,173
한샘 A009240 -14% -2% -764,852
동원F&B A049770 -50% -2% -752,529
한화생명 A088350 -12% -2% -746,936
미래에셋대우 A006800 -23% -2% -740,226
유한양행 A000100 -23% -2% -718,266
롯데제과 A004990 -22% -2% -702,172
동원시스템즈 A014820 -32% -2% -689,161
농심 A004370 -24% -1% -650,843
한국콜마 A161890 -31% -1% -614,014
KCC A002380 -14% -1% -612,278
한세예스24홀딩스 A016450 -59% -1% -588,000
잇츠스킨 A226320 -44% -1% -585,288
제일기획 A030000 -24% -1% -569,454
하나투어 A039130 -43% -1% -568,031
강원랜드 A035250 -7% -1% -566,942
동부화재 A005830 -11% -1% -552,240
아이마켓코리아 A122900 -59% -1% -535,556
신세계 A004170 -23% -1% -531,640
S&T모티브 A064960 -42% -1% -521,471
영원무역 A111770 -27% -1% -507,367
LIG넥스원 A079550 -22% -1% -506,000
한국콜마홀딩스 A024720 -47% -1% -501,036
LG하우시스 A108670 -35% -1% -486,735
KT&G A033780 -3% -1% -480,524
GS리테일 A007070 -12% -1% -477,400
한국금융지주 A071050 -16% -1% -477,271
에스원 A012750 -12% -1% -455,990
코스맥스 A192820 -27% -1% -454,994
일동홀딩스 A000230 -71% -1% -445,366
무학 A033920 -40% -1% -437,475
한전기술 A052690 -32% -1% -418,509
LG전자 A066570 -4% -1% -412,442
롯데푸드 A002270 -32% -1% -410,831
현대백화점 A069960 -14% -1% -409,543
현대해상 A001450 -13% -1% -406,770
롯데하이마트 A071840 -28% -1% -396,610
크라운제과 A005740 -48% -1% -388,959
한화갤러리아타임월드 A027390 -66% -1% -388,807
제주항공 A089590 -36% -1% -378,875
삼성SDI A006400 -5% -1% -374,724
동서 A026960 -12% -1% -358,920
롯데쇼핑 A023530 -5% -1% -346,399
삼양홀딩스 A000070 -25% -1% -339,718
한화케미칼 A009830 -8% -1% -338,066
대한전선 A001440 -17% -1% -332,757
코리안리 A003690 -19% -1% -331,015
대상홀딩스 A084690 -46% -1% -323,094
CJ제일제당 A097950 -6% -1% -322,239
녹십자 A006280 -14% -1% -303,850
코스맥스비티아이 A044820 -46% -1% -300,602
한솔테크닉스 A004710 -46% -1% -291,850
동아에스티 A170900 -25% -1% -290,435
CJ대한통운 A000120 -6% -1% -273,748
메리츠금융지주 A138040 -15% -1% -271,483
일진홀딩스 A015860 -46% -1% -270,917
메리츠종금증권 A008560 -13% -1% -265,702
벽산 A007210 -45% -1% -263,270
휠라코리아 A081660 -25% -1% -262,740
엔케이 A085310 -65% -1% -261,816
신세계인터내셔날 A031430 -35% -1% -259,182
이노션 A214320 -18% -1% -258,000
CJ헬로비전 A037560 -26% -1% -254,026
LG이노텍 A011070 -10% -1% -239,038
GKL A114090 -15% -1% -231,959
SK디앤디 A210980 -32% -1% -224,554
코오롱 A002020 -23% -1% -224,456

these stocks are 1% or more contributed negatively.

There are a lot of things that went up last year.

pharmaceutical / bio industry represented by Hanmi Pharm and Hanmi Science

Cosmetics industry represented by AMOREPACIFIC and LG H &

Samsung Group's governance-related stocks represented by Samsung C & T and Samsung SDS

Automobile industry represented by Hyundai Motor, Kia Motors, Hyundai Glovis, and Hyundai Wia

China-related stocks like LG Chem, CJ, Orion, CGV, Hotel Silla, 

Pharmaceutical biotech had reflected too much anticipation last year, and the share price was also very big.

A few cancellations in the meantime had sentiment down and there were multiple derating of pharmaceutical biologists.

Cosmetics stocks such as Amorepacific and LG H & H reflected the overestimation of expectations and the derating of Chinese stocks related to the THAAD placement issue.

Samsung C & T and Samsung SDS were subject to adjustments due to lack of expectations in the Samsung governance process

The automobile industry showed sluggish support this year.

Now that we have finished the year, we should prepare for next year.

How will it change next year?

Some market predictions and market response are required to do well to win the market.

I should keep my eye on the market situation and keep pace with the market once I make the wrong decision.

What lessons can you see from this year?

Well, look at pharmaceutical / bio, cosmetics, and China related stocks.

It reflected all the good points of last year, and it was strongly adjusted after some bad news this year.

Analysts in Hanmi Pharm did not reflect that all licensed-out projects would be successful, but in reality, a few failed to get the stock price adjusted.

Cosmetics stocks have fallen due to the political events of the Sad Batch, even though their performance has not been bad this year.

Therefore, here is where we should look now.

Excessive expectations.

The most conviction among the stocks that have risen sharply this year is that semiconductors are reflecting expectations.

Indeed, without anticipating any bad news, the stock price can be solid as expected, and even small adjustments can be made to bad news.

Humans always repeat mistakes. This year, I can see that I'm being hit again next year.

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